Saturday, September 8, 2007

Electricity Bill

The dreaded electricity bill arrived today. With the record-high heat - several days over 100...up to 109 and maybe 1 in 30 days that the temps did not reach the 90's - I was expecting a bill well over $200, perhaps pushing $300!

Since I returned from Mexico in early June, I have kept the thermostat at 80, lowering it to about 72, when we have company. In Acapulco, the weather is always like this and those who have air conditioners only run them at night. After a few days, your body adjusts to the heat (somewhat :) )

This summer, we have left the thermostat alone, and turned on fans. It has not been uncomfortable. Our bodies have all adjusted. And our bill?..... only $165, not bad for a month of cooling 100+ degree weather for a 2800+ sqaure foot house!!!!

Now we'll see how long it takes to adjust to 60 degree temperatures inside, if we get a winter!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow...good for you. I dont want to see ours either...but it is always better than the gas bill in winter. Although, I like it cold (which is why I LOVE your house in the winter). And since Kevin (who likes it warmer) will not be here, the boys and I can freeze together :) Oh the tiny perks of having a husband deployed...and they are tiny!