Thursday, May 17, 2007

amigo del goofie del oofie el míos

amigo del goofie del oofie el míos
Como niño, mis padres cantarían: ¿Amigo el míos, usted de Oofie Goofie tiene la respiración como la trementina, Oofie Goofie que usted es así que fino, usted no será mi Valentine?

I find the Spanish translation humorous!!! :)


Lance said...
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Laura said...
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Lance said...

Donde esta casa de Pepe?

Laura said...

I plugged your post into a free online translation page, and got the following English translation:

friend of the goofie of the oofie mine
As child, my parents would sing: friend mine, do you of Oofie Goofie take the respiration as the turpentine, Oofie Goofie that you are so I die, you will not be my Valentine?

oofie goofie said...

I didn't translate it, but was lazy and plugged it in from English to Spanish. I guess those translators are not too acurate :)

Laura said...

It makes me think of those crazy instructions written in "English" on foreign-made items, so garbled that you wonder how many times they went through a traslation software.