Thursday, April 5, 2007


I've read some of your blog entries on Mike Howard, and would be remiss not to say anything. I agree with all of the wonderful things that people have said about him, and will miss hearing him say at the Childrens Ministry Meetings : "I think that is a wonderful idea!" He was such an encourager!

Two Things have struck me this past week:

1. From Proverbs 31: "Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land" (this is because he has full confidence in his wife as she capably takes care of many matters, freeing him to do the things that he has been called to do.) Mike held a very important job in our county - county engineer and in our church - elder. He would tell of all Robin's capablities. He told me that she was like a Martha Stewart. She gardened and cooked and fixed up houses,etc, etc. He had the right priorities 1 The Lord, 2. His wife - whom he was confident in, and 3. His children, etc. etc. etc.

2. Many from our elected and appointed county government were in the midst of our church body to celebrate Mike's homegoing. A couple hundred of our county officials heard the Gospel that day and were confronted with a decision: to live for Christ and share in His inheritance, or to live for themselves and be separated from Christ for eternity. I think that Mike would be very excited to know that because of his death, the Gospel was proclaimed to these people!!!!!


Donna said...

Amen and Amen!

Laura said...

I can't wait to show this to my mom! I completely agree with both your thoughts. Thank you for the wonderful post.