Hannah and Jack both made straight-A's. I must say, I am very pleasantly surprised. We have always known that Hannah is bright, but worried about Jack because he spoke and read much later. Jack's teacher said that he leading the class in reading. We are very thankful that they like school!
.... and I found this old picture from 1982. Erica is skeletor and I am wonder woman. We trick or treated at Northgate, and not a single person knew that I was wonderwoman until I told them. I was not pleased. Erica spoke her famous line that night, that we use til this day whenever anyone talks about putting on a sweater when it's cold. She had a speech impediment and when my mother told me to put on a sweater, she said, "but Mommy, wonderwoman doesn't wear a fweater"... you had to have been there :)

Your grass looks great! Scott aereated and reseeded our yard too and it looks much better now also.
Congrats to Hannah and Jack! Do they start getting letter grades in 2nd grade? I thought Hannah was just a year older than Jack. Did she skip a grade?
I think Shelby is going to be disappointed this year like you were. She wants to be Princess Lolly from Candyland. She wants me to put lollypops on her Princess Belle dress and crown.
I love the picture! That is so cute. And I know you're proud of your kids-you're doing a great job!
Way to Go Jack and Hannah! That is a huge achievement!
Thanks for making me smile with the costumes! Too funny! We had some good times as kids :)
I love the vintage photos!
Oh, I remember wanting to be Wonder Woman. I had some of those "special" bracelets she wore.
Laura, I know we are in our 30's...but VINTAGE???? Cmon, cut us a break :) hehe
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