At least that's how I feel right now. Spring has sprung in the sports-loving families. Until now, we have been able to limit our extra-curricular activities this school year. The children are involved in Pioneer Clubs and Childrens' Choirs at church, and Hannah, Jack, Adam (and Colin) have all been on the same Basketball Team.
Tomorrow is the last basketball game of the season (and our school carnival - and I am a class rep in charge of one of the booths), and both boys have baseball practice. On different teams of course. Hannah is begging to play soccer and has wanted to again for a long time. Hannah was also given Piano lessons for Christmas from her grandparents, and is sooooo excited to be starting this Thursday.
Please pray for us as we spend everyday for the next couple of months at practices and games, many times, multiple obligations a day (Jack will spend 4-5 days a week with his team... don't know what to expect for the other 2).

Spring is a busy time! Thankfully, summer is not too far off. Carnival was lots of fun today, but I am so glad that is over. I will be seeing you at the ballfields!
It wears me out just thinking about your schedule... But I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I echo your feelings. I guess there are advantages to having little ones.
Just wait until their homework and school projects get tougher, and they still want to participate in sports and activities. It is hard on the kids as well as the parents to manage it all. I'm not sure what the solution is.
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