Friday, February 8, 2008

Thank you, Lord for the timing

Today, Joseph had a doctor's appt. scheduled for 4:00 at his pediatrition's office at Memorial. On the way, we had to pull over for a cop car who was rushing to a blockade a block before the Drs. Building. We started to circle around the campus to enter from the other side, and we were getting no where quickly with about 10 other cars inching slowly in front of us and a few cars lining up behind us. At 4:03, I called the office to apologize that we would now be late. The receptionist said, "Honey, you need to turn around and go back home, we are on lock-down, there has been a bomb-threat." We were off of the campus with-in a few minutes.

I just found a broadcast story on the incident. The "bomb" was found underneath a car in the parking lot and the bomb squad detonated it at 4:19. By that time we were a few miles away and did not hear anything. I might have run off the road, if we were still close by and heard it.

Thank you, Lord for protecting us with your timing. I had actually hoped to have a 1 or 1:30 appt. so that we would be out of there in time to pick Hannah and Jack up from school. We would have had a much greater scare if we were around when the bomb threat was discovered. Also, by getting us far enough away before 4:19.

Thank you more for protecting us and so many others who were at the hospital and surrounding Doctors offices today!!!!!

Here is a link to the story.


Laura said...

Wow. I hadn't heard about it. How scary to know you were so close. Good for you to be thankful of what you avoided; some people only focus on their inconvenience, not on how bad their situation could have been.

Keri said...

Wow, Ruth! Thanks for posting this. What a reminder that we are always in the Lord's hand.