The morning after Halloween, Joseph decided that he wanted to wear the cape from the Superman costume that Jack wouldn't wear. Davis came over to ride to preschool with us. He wanted a Superman cape, too. I went upstairs and found the red cape from Hannah's wonderwoman costume two years ago. He was thrilled with his "superman" cape. Don't tell him what he was really wearing : ) !!!! They were quite pleased with themselves and wanted to show all of their friends. ... so I let them both go to school as superheroes. I told their teacher that she was welcome to make them put the capes in their backpacks, but she indulged them also, and they wore them all day. Davis came over yesterday to go to school again, and asked for his cape.

We had a great Women's Retreat in Pigeon Forge this weekend! We learned about what it meant to "take His yoke upon us" - we still carry our burdens, but with the yoke of Christ, the burdens are much lighter!!! And how to give people the blessing, etc, etc, etc.

We got home just in time to attend a small group social at Scott and Wendy's house. It was fun!
1 comment:
I love the pictures! Thanks for posting them Ruth.
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