Monday, November 26, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
The Turkey Bowl
Adam, his brothers and Dad have played in the turkey bowl for years. Usually Adam and Aaron vs Ben and Ray. The year that I was pregnant with Jack (Jack was born a week and a half after Thanksgiving) I remember Adam telling everyone that Jack would be playing in the Turkey Bowl soon... and this was the first year. In fact, Hannah did not want to be left out, so she played. Joey was the center for both teams. Jack was named MVP; he was actually quite good and the bottom picture is of him catching the winning goal.
The Birthday Party
Joey and Davis had a very fun time at their 5 year old birthday. We planned what we thought would be a small party, that turned out big and fun. Thank you to all of you who prayed that they would be healthy and able to attend. Hannah and Jack had been sick all week, and we were concerned that Joey or Davis might get sick, but the Lord protected them - Joey still has not gotten sick!
Meet Zack
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Birthday fun at preschool
Our Tornado Shelter

A sweet and very well-meaning neighbor called last night to ask if I had the TV on. I told her that I didn't. She told me to turn it on, because there was a warning that a tornado was heading our way. I, unfortunately, can be easily alarmed... and I heeded her advice to clear our our closet under the stairs. Hannah and Jack had a fever relapse, so they rested on the mattress of our roll-away, that I put in there. Joey practiced reading "Dick and Jane".... he is really able to sound out words and read a few pages to us correctly.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Special Jewelry
At the Women's Retreat, our speaker encouraged us to "give our children the blessing".
Well, Hannah and I have a lot of friction in our relationship. It seems like ever since she was born she has shown and told me "I don't need you". I try to show her that I care, and she pushes me away most of the time. We do have those moments of warmth and we do have some fun times together.... but they are quickly over and she doesn't remember them as she continually asks me, "Why are you always so mean?"
I can accept this though,because left to her own devices, she'd be in a world of trouble. For instance, last weekend I came home from taking Jack to a birthday party, to find her in the kitchen eating a lolly-pop and drinking sugar water, as Adam watched his football game. She has not developed enough self-control for me to not "be mean".
So, I said, "Hannah, if I could choose a daughter from all the little girls in the world, I'd choose you" She said, "what-ever"
I tried it again the next day. She did not respond, but she didn't shoot me down either. That night, she went to the mall with her friend. She had $5 from her grandparents and $2 from me (aren't I generous :) ?)
This is what she came home with, a gift for me:

Last evening, Hannah and Jack both came down with fevers. They had been outside playing since school and came in for dinner complaining of headaches. Today we stayed in. I was looking through our closet and found a bag of beads and partially made jewelry from the days of mine and Charla's jewelry business: Sentimental Strands. I decided to finish this necklace. It is the first thing I have made in 6 years!

PS- Hannah and Jack are laying around, but are feeling much better. They should be back to school tomorrow!
Well, Hannah and I have a lot of friction in our relationship. It seems like ever since she was born she has shown and told me "I don't need you". I try to show her that I care, and she pushes me away most of the time. We do have those moments of warmth and we do have some fun times together.... but they are quickly over and she doesn't remember them as she continually asks me, "Why are you always so mean?"
I can accept this though,because left to her own devices, she'd be in a world of trouble. For instance, last weekend I came home from taking Jack to a birthday party, to find her in the kitchen eating a lolly-pop and drinking sugar water, as Adam watched his football game. She has not developed enough self-control for me to not "be mean".
So, I said, "Hannah, if I could choose a daughter from all the little girls in the world, I'd choose you" She said, "what-ever"
I tried it again the next day. She did not respond, but she didn't shoot me down either. That night, she went to the mall with her friend. She had $5 from her grandparents and $2 from me (aren't I generous :) ?)
This is what she came home with, a gift for me:

Last evening, Hannah and Jack both came down with fevers. They had been outside playing since school and came in for dinner complaining of headaches. Today we stayed in. I was looking through our closet and found a bag of beads and partially made jewelry from the days of mine and Charla's jewelry business: Sentimental Strands. I decided to finish this necklace. It is the first thing I have made in 6 years!

PS- Hannah and Jack are laying around, but are feeling much better. They should be back to school tomorrow!
Friday, November 9, 2007
11 Years!
If you've never seen a boot*leg, (as everyone who did that latest email survey stated) watch above. During my senior year of college, I did an unpaid internship at channel9. A few of the people that I worked with donated their time, and only charged for studio rental. They did a full wedding video and edited this 3 or so minute package as a synopsis of the day. This was in the days of VHS, and in the styles of the 90's. Adam and I were only a few pounds apart! (that is nothing to brag about)
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Happy Birthday to my Dad and Step-mother!

This is a week and a half of milestones! My mother's birthday was yesterday, step-mother's is TODAY, our 11 year anniversary is Friday, my dad's birthday is Monday, and Joey's 5th birthday will be on Sunday the 18th. Followed by Thanksgiving, then 2 weeks after that Jack's 8th, then Christmas (with some aunt and uncle b-days sprinkled in Gina and Ben)
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The morning after Halloween, Joseph decided that he wanted to wear the cape from the Superman costume that Jack wouldn't wear. Davis came over to ride to preschool with us. He wanted a Superman cape, too. I went upstairs and found the red cape from Hannah's wonderwoman costume two years ago. He was thrilled with his "superman" cape. Don't tell him what he was really wearing : ) !!!! They were quite pleased with themselves and wanted to show all of their friends. ... so I let them both go to school as superheroes. I told their teacher that she was welcome to make them put the capes in their backpacks, but she indulged them also, and they wore them all day. Davis came over yesterday to go to school again, and asked for his cape.

We had a great Women's Retreat in Pigeon Forge this weekend! We learned about what it meant to "take His yoke upon us" - we still carry our burdens, but with the yoke of Christ, the burdens are much lighter!!! And how to give people the blessing, etc, etc, etc.

We got home just in time to attend a small group social at Scott and Wendy's house. It was fun!
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