Saturday, December 22, 2007

Living the Dream

A funny Jack Story:

Our kids do not like to be constricted by clothing. Hannah has always had clothing issues. Joey hates to wear underwear. Many times as we are helping him zip his pants/shorts, we find that he does not have any on. Both boys do not like to wear pants; only shorts.

On cold days, we insist that the boys wear pants to school. They complain mercilessly about this. As soon as we get home, they break free from the tyranny of pants and change into shorts.

Last week, after school, Jack walked into the house, stripping from his pants, on his way to the bathroom. Experiencing the freedom of his boxers.

After about a half hour, a friend knocked on the door, inviting Jack out to play. He ran in red faced after a few minutes when his friend's Mom asked him why he wasn't wearing pants. - He had gone out in a sweatshirt and boxers!

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