Monday, February 5, 2007

Super Bowl Reunions

Every year for the Super Bowl, we get together with college friends. The girls talk and watch commercials. The guys watch the game and play ping pong. Each year our number dwindles. We were now down to our family and the Dale family. Our plan was to meet at our house, since their's is on the market. Well, their moving plans progressed and they are now moving this week and had to back out. I was sad to see a tradition die.

Then, we ran into the Hustons on Saturday. Charla and I used to have a jewelry business and talk multiple times a day. Our family lives took over about 5 years ago and our partnership ended. We stayed friends, but have talked less and less. We invited them over for the Super Bowl. It was fun to get together again. We enjoyed Jon and Charla's company and Hannah had a blast reconnecting with Maddie. Jack and Joseph enjoyed entertaining Eli.

We had a different reunion than we had planned, but are thankful for it.

1 comment:

Donna said...

I didn't know you and Charla had a jewelry business together.

When you mentioned your college friends that made me remember that when Shelby took ballet at St. Peter's, one of the Moms said she was your sorority (sp?)sister in college. I don't remember her name but she has a baby boy and a cute little girl named Caroline that Shelby loved.